Entries by Robert Crain

A Career In WordPress?

Have you ever considered becoming a Freelance WordPress Professional? Maybe you’ve been thinking about a change of pace, wanting to work hours outside of ‘the norm’, with the intent of creating a better work/ life balance? A few years ago, one could be forgiven for thinking that the likes of SquareSpace would be the end […]

STOP Spam Email Today

Are you tired of getting spam email from your WordPress website? I’m pretty sure you are. Chances are, the majority of the spam emails you are getting, go directly into the spam folder. That can’t be helped, because most email providers such as Microsoft and Google have their own methods to try and combat spam […]

A Life Audit

Here at CrainWP, I specialize in WordPress Security, and WordPress Website Auditing. Recently, I’ve been ‘auditing’ my life. I made a point 53 weeks ago today, to stop using social media and become more private. Over the past week, I began deleting most of my websites, email addresses, iPhone apps, stored photographs and videos, I’ve […]